What did the Nazis take from this idea-did they? How are reservations-concentration camps similar-different? Is this a valid argument?

Native American Reservations and Nazi Concentration Camps

Write a well-researched essay of 3-4 pages to one of the following questions in which you investigate an issue we did not understand fully in class or get to the bottom of completely.

Write a FULL essay with introduction, Body and conclusion, with a Works Cited page of at least 5 works on one of the following questions. Give your paper a title with a spin like this, “Artemesia Gentileschi: Wonderwoman,” but DO NOT, under penalty of death (death being a D or F grade) write a merely biographical paper.

You MUST create a topic that is complex and does not merely follow an author, artist, or intellectual around for their life—such material can easily be found in my spare time on a wiki site, and what we want to see is you bringing different materials together to solve some question we could not understand without some investigation—you’re a detective

Use internet sources, but have at least ONE library source (book, magazine, or otherwise) to show that you DID look in the library for sources (you may end up with better sources). Remember, the internet does NOT have it all, and you can’t always trust it. At least TRY the library (you never know when the perfect book might be there, like a WHOLE book on Picasso).
Here are some of the issues that I’ve thought about throughout this part of the semester but have not either had time to research myself or just do not know…
. For years there has been talk that the Nazi concentration camps were based on Native American reservations in the United States. In other words, a verbal spar with a German might include the rebuttal of, “so, you started it with Native American reservations” when one talked about the concentration camps. So is this true? What did the Nazis take from this idea, or did they? How are reservations and concentration camps similar and different? Is this a valid argument?