What hurdles external, internal would Lenovo potentially face as it attempts to penetrate this demographic? (Use 50 words -more no resource)

Discussion Topic -Using Data in Marketing

The following exercise allows you to practice collaboration skills while learning about strategic marketing planning.

Complete the case study exercise, Communicating Value. A transcript of this interactive exercise is also available.

Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in 175 words Use 1 resource:

1. Based on what you learned, how would you facilitate cross-team collaboration between the marketing management function and R&D teams at Lenovo?

2. How would you communicate about new features to customers?

3. How would you measure the success of the team?

– What hurdles (external, internal) would Lenovo potentially face as it attempts to penetrate this demographic? (Use 50 words or more no resource)

– How might these features be communicated to customers? (Use 50 words or more no resource)