How do you conceptualize this client’s presenting problems? Be sure to use theory-specific language (your theoretical orientation).

Conceptualize Case and Answer Questions


Conceptualize the case first. CASE IS LABELED – MINOR CASE STUDY 2

Review the case study provided for you in Unit 7 (and above) and answer the 7 questions that are indicated at the bottom of the case study. This is an extension of the Mini Case Report 1, with an additional section focusing on inclusion of assessment. You will download the case, type in your responses, and then upload for submission through the link provided.Note that there is a rubric available for you, to help you best prepare your work.

The goal of this assignment is to continue practicing and building on the foundations that you all bring–not perfection. At the bottom of your document, indicate any aspects with which you struggled, any questions that you had, or any working hypotheses that you have. provide responses and feedback in the gradebook to help us communicate and help prepare you for the final Case Report, and will compile common questions so that the class can benefit from your good questions.

Then answer the following questions and make sure you number each question. THen respond the the section after the numbered questions.

1. What are your diagnostic impressions for this client? As with our first mini report, offer your rationale and thought process (this can be in bulletpoints or narrative format).

2. RC has started to miss therapy sessions, reporting that he was feeling disillusioned with the process and chronic nature of his symptoms. How would you address this in therapy (e.g., what interventions would you use in order to address these concerns)?

3. How do you conceptualize this client’s presenting problems? Be sure to use theory-specific language (your theoretical orientation).

4. If this were one of your clients, what issues would you address first and why? List one goal and two interventions.

5. What factors do you consider would impact this client’s prognosis?

6. This last section will look differently for everyone. Consider the case and an area that you might like to assess further (i.e., depression, anxiety, personality, attention, daily functioning, etc.) and offer: a brief write-up of an assessment that you would use and why, as well as anticipated results of the assessment.

In essence, you will be creating hypothetical results based on what you know of the client and what you might expect to find in their assessment results (e.g., Client was administered the BDI and scored in the range of.”). The results would be something that could be incorporated into a psychological report.

7. Like in your first mini case report, write up a brief summary of the client’s case, which could be included in a report.

Patient is a [insert demographics] who was referred for treatment to assess for and treat [reason for assessment/treatment]. Client was administered the XYZ and scored in the range of 123 indicating…

Information gathered from his/her background history as well as his/her reported reason for participating in diagnostic assessment suggested Patient meets criteria for [diagnostic impressions]. He/she would benefit from implementing the recommendations [interventions] outlined below as to [insert your goal].