What do you feel are the key challenges when studying for an online degree in psychology?

The purpose of this collaborative learning activity is a type of discussion activity which promotes higher-level thinking, communication skills, self-management and leadership skills.

This is achieved through student interaction, engagement with course materials and wider reading around the module topics. This activity allows students to understand a variety of diverse perspectives on topics in psychology and helps to prepare you for real life social and employment opportunities.

Students are required to offer an initial post that demonstrates their answer to the question, always using an academic tone and backing up your ideas with APA referencing.


Initial post: What do you feel are the key challenges when studying for an online degree in psychology?


To prepare for this assignment you should consider the key challenges and benefits when studying for an online degree in psychology. It will be beneficial for you to conduct some research into the tools and techniques that support online learning.


• Post a 500-word response to the question above. Your answers must use an academic tone, be evidence-based and supported by the psychological literature, using APA referencing.

• Remember to include your Initial post and responses (writing) within the discussion forum text box rather than attaching a Word/PDF file.

Please note

• Any responses added after the deadline will not be assessed.

• You will be assessed on your contribution to this activity.

• All responses must be referenced correctly using APA referencing and acknowledge all sources of information used to back up your ideas.

Please note, a word count penalty applies to this assessment.

If your assessment exceeds the word count limit or range by more than 10% then your awarded grade will be reduced by 10% grade points.

Not meeting the word count

There is no grade reduction applied if your assignment does not meet the word count range or limit, but to maximise your opportunity to achieve the highest grade possible, you should aim to meet the word count or range as closely as possible.

Learning Outcomes

Throughout this assignment you are expected to demonstrate evidence of your knowledge of the following learning outcomes:

• Demonstrate the technical and personal requirements of online learning

• Demonstrate competencies in the use of the tools available to online learners

• Identify effective operational techniques in a variety of learning context

• Possess the ability to cite and reference academic sources using the American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing.