Identify the current visitor economy system weaknesses in your destination that covid brought to light.


You have been hired as a risk and resilience expert by the DMO of the destination your group chose (HELSINKI) to develop a long-term destination resilience action plan that will enhance the visitor economy system. You are being brought onboard today in the current continuing aftermath of covid which has had a massive impact on the tourism industry in your chosen destination.
This covid disaster brought to light a number of current visitor economy system weaknesses in your destination that need to be addressed if the destination wants to become more resilient to unexpected shocks. You also have an in-depth understanding from the group work of the future risks facing your destination going forwards.
Your task therefore is to identify actions that support short-term industry recovery from covid in a way that will help build long-term destination resilience in face of future risks and unexpected shocks. What covid has made clear to the DMO is that they need to invest in more innovative ways of doing things if they want to become more resilient. They need your help.
Of course the DMO has limited resources at their disposal so you will need to create a strong argument for why the innovative actions you identify need to be prioritised in their budget.
Situational analysis:
•Identify the current visitor economy system weaknesses in your destination that covid brought to light.
•Contextualise these weaknesses in terms of the potential future risks you identified that the destination is facing.
Action Plan Recommendations:
• Identify the key actions that you recommend the destination invests in.
• Consider what diversification measures are needed.
• Consider where and what innovation is required.
• Consider how you will build in adaptive capacity.
• Give a clear argument for how these actions will support short-term recovery
and help build long-term resilience.