What did you learn about speech making from watching this speech, and how will you use what you’ve learned for your next speech in this class?


Here is the process:

1. Watch your full speech

2. Take notes on the speech specific to the questions to be addressed in your essay

3. Write a 3 to 4-page essay analyzing your speech.
You are to answer the following questions in your essay:

• How was the speech constructed? Was there anything missing? Items to consider include the introduction, conclusion, main points, transitions, organizational pattern, persuasive call to action, etc…

• What was effective and ineffective about the speaker’s verbal and nonverbal delivery?

• What did the speaker do well? Why?

• Where do you think the speaker can improve in the future?

• What did you learn about speech making from watching this speech, and how will you use what you’ve learned for your next speech in this class?