How is it different than mere vegetarianism? What are the historical precedents of this dietary practice? When did it really catch fire in America (to where we even arrive at the BK Vegan Whopper)?



Here are two routes to help you if you’re feeling stuck

The Explaining a Concept route
The In the Realm of Something Care About route

Keep in mind that in a pure research paper, it would be all in Third Person (Ex., “One should never go to the grocery when hungry, according to researchers”). This paper will be as well, but it can have moments of personal experience in first (“It is my personal rule to never make groceries when hungry – that helps me match out the proper ratio of hot dogs to buns!”). SO – your paper can be ALL in third person, or a combo of first and third—it just can’t be ONLY in first person.

As an example, explain Veganism.

How is it different than mere vegetarianism? What are the historical precedents of this dietary practice? When did it really catch fire in America (to where we even arrive at the BK Vegan Whopper)? What’s all the buzz about the restaurant Vegan Vampires in the Black Pearl section of the city?

So—going with the above. Let’s say you are a vegan. You could have a paragraph on how you came to the practice, combined with the research, creating thus a sort of “personal journalism” ala Joan Didion.

If you’re becoming a nurse, or just dig Biology or nutrition…

You ever wonder how your dog can eat mud and drink out of a puddle, but when you drink out a stream, even in Kisatchie National Forest and even after adding Wild Turkey as a degermer, it didn’t work out as well?

Well – a comparative breakdown of the digestive tracks of various mammals could be in order. For extra zest, try the multistomached cow or the eating habits of the sloth.

Again—if you keep it to dogs or cats, it could again be a combination of hard science and your own daily observations.

There’s nothing left for you now but to love it, and write it !