How do you arrive at that answer? What is your line of reasoning and your evidence for it?

Organisational Dynamics and Behaviour

Question: “Do you believe that every employee is different?”.
Instruction: Critically analyse your response how you as a manager will use your understanding of individual differences to manage employees to contribute to organisational efficiency and effectiveness.

• A critical research report requires a thesis statement, a body of argument and evidence and a conclusion.
• In effect, the parts of the critical research report are responsive to the following questions:
o Topic statement: What is your short answer to the question?
o Body of the critical research report: How do you arrive at that answer? What is your line of reasoning and your evidence for it?
o Conclusion: What should the reader conclude from what you have presented?

At least 70 per cent of the references must be from any of the following listed below. Harvard (Australian Style)

a.) Organisational Behaviour (OB): Developing People-Centred Organisations and Skills

Wang, T., Long, L., Zhang, Y., & He, W. (2019). A social exchange perspective of employee–organization relationships and employee unethical pro-organizational behavior: The moderating role of individual moral identity.

Journal of Business Ethics, 159(2), 473-489.

Frémeaux, S., & Michelson, G. (2017). The common good of the firm and humanistic management: Conscious capitalism and economy of communion. Journal of Business Ethics, 145(4), 701-709.

Mariappanadar, S. (2014). Stakeholder harm index: A framework to review work intensification from the critical HRM perspective, Human Resource Management Review, 24(4): 313-329.

b.) Work values and attitudes

Azila-Gbettor, E.M., Blomme, R.J., Kil, A. and Honyenuga, B.Q., 2021. Work Values and Organizational Performance: The Mediation Effect of Organization Citizenship Behavior in Family Hotels in Emerging Markets. In Advances in Hospitality and Leisure. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Ju, B., Lee, Y., Park, S. and Yoon, S.W., 2021. A Meta-Analytic Review of the Relationship Between Learning Organization and Organizational Performance and Employee Attitudes: Using the Dimensions of Learning Organization Questionnaire. Human Resource Development Review, p.1534484320987363.

Dishop, C.R., Green, A.E., Torres, E. and Aarons, G.A., 2019. Predicting turnover: the moderating effect of functional climates on emotional exhaustion and work attitudes. Community Mental Health Journal, 55(5), pp.733-741.

c.) (Please see attachments for the ff. articles listed below)

Indarti, S. et al. (2017) The effect of OCB in relationship between personality, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on performance. The Journal of management development. [Online] 36 (10), 1283–1293.

Tisu, L. et al. (2020) Personality characteristics, job performance and mental health: the mediating role of work engagement. Personality and individual differences. [Online] 153109644–.

Imhoff, R. & Koch, A. (2017) How Orthogonal Are the Big Two of Social Perception? On the Curvilinear Relation Between Agency and Communion. Perspectives on psychological science. [Online] 12 (1), 122–137.

d.) (attached files)

Kanfer, R. et al. (2017) Motivation Related to Work: A Century of Progress Gilad Chen (ed.). Journal of applied psychology. [Online] 102 (3), 338–355.

Reizer, Brender-Ilan, Y., & Sheaffer, Z. (2019). Employee motivation, emotions, and performance: a longitudinal diary study. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34(6), 415–428.

Lysova, Allan, B. A., Dik, B. J., Duffy, R. D., & Steger, M. F. (2019). Fostering meaningful work in organizations: A multi-level review and integration. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 110(Part B), 374–389.