Do they paint the same picture of the state’s demographic trajectory? If not, what might be some of the reasons for different takeaways from the two datasets?

Methods of Planning Analysis

Before next week’s class, read the following articles/book chapters, and answer the questions below:

Berke, Philip R. et al. Urban Land Use Planning, Fifth Edition. University of Illinois Press, 2006.

“Chapter 5: Population and Economy”Actions (117-146)

(Uploaded file)

Evans, Tim. “New Jersey Losing Population for the First Time in Four Decades.” (Links to an external site.) New Jersey Future. January 16th, 2020.


Evans, Tim. “Census 2020: New Jersey’s Older and Increasingly Diverse Centers Are Now Leading The State’s Population Growth.” (Links to an external site.) September 13th, 2021.


1. In the first reading (the chapter from Berke et al.), why is it so important to understand the demographic structure and trajectory of a community when working as a planner? How does a normative determination of future population and economy for an area differ from a projection based on current trends? What are the pros and cons of trend extrapolation methods compared to other forms of projection outlined in this chapter?

2. Name at least one concept or term that you found difficult to understand in this week’s reading. There are no wrong answers, and your responses will help me choose what to cover more extensively in class, so answer this to the best of your ability.

3. Compare the two New Jersey Future blog posts by Tim Evans, published 18 months apart using data from the 2019 American Community Survey and the 2020 Census, respectively.

Do they paint the same picture of the state’s demographic trajectory? If not, what might be some of the reasons for different takeaways from the two datasets? What factors not explicitly stated in the first post could have reduced the number of immigrants arriving in New Jersey between 2018 and 2019? Feel free to include any additional thoughts you have after reading both articles.