Identify a minimum of three drivers and explain your rationale regarding why the driver is important

Competitive strategy

Write two brand which is clif bar and powerbar.

Category dynamics and performance

Provide an overview of how the category is performing today and the primary drivers. You should cover the following”

Is this a high, medium, low growth category? provide supporting data

Is growth in the category accelerating or decelerating?

Are specific segments growing more quickly than others (refer to the segmentation framework above)?

What are the category tailwind drivers (if the category is growing) or headwind drivers (if the category is low growth or decelerating)? Drivers could include factors such as income level trends, lifestyle/values, growth in distribution etc.Identify a minimum of three drivers and explain your rationale regarding why the driver is important

Based on the above, do you believe this is a sustainably attractive category? Why?

Are some segments better positioned for sustainable growth? Which ones and why?