What are the demands of your job? What are your hours of work, location of work, do you have to take work home?

It’s a research paper on why i want to get a job in international relations and needs to cover the following questions

What is the definition of success? How do you measure success? Success must be attained through training and work, and this is your opportunity to research the ability of your chosen profession to achieve your personal definition of success. In a well – formed MLA formatted research paper 4-5 pages in length, analyze the measure of success in your chosen profession. Begin by researching the job of your choice.

Research must include:

What is the job description?

What are the qualifications, certifications, and schooling or training necessary for the job?

What are the benefits of the job? Include salary, benefits (retirement, healthcare, etc.)

What is the starting salary vs. ability for growth potential? Research based on location as well.

What are the demands of your job? What are your hours of work, location of work, do you have to take work home?

How long will your job be relevant in today’s society and future society?

Next, analyze the measure of success you desire to obtain:

Monetary gain


Ability to support or enjoy family

Are you living in the area of the world you want to live in?

Will your chosen profession make you happy?

Research must be done using reputable sources, as defined in class. You must use at least 4-5 sources one of which must be a research database, and one of which must be an encyclopedia or periodical.