Explain some of the ethical challenges of implementing sociological interventions in families, organizations, or communities.

Clinical and Applied Sociology

Exercise Submission

1. For each of the following prompts, write a thorough response (3 well-developed
paragraphs each with a minimum of 4 sentences per paragraph) and cite at least
two scholarly sources (per prompt) to support your answer (include page numbers). Answer the questions in the context of a spiritual leader whose goal is to advance church growth.

a. Define clinical and applied sociology?
b. Do a comparative analysis between clinical and applied sociology.
c. Which form of sociology (clinical or applied) is most relevant in advancing church growth (Discipleship)?
d. How would you use the preferred form of sociology (clinical or applied) to advance social change?

2. Submit a two-page response to each of the following choices. Cite at least
Three to four scholarly sources per page to support your answer  include page numbers).
a. Why might a sociological approach — how human beings behave in or
as groups — to changing human behavior be more helpful in some cases
than individual counseling?
b. Explain some of the ethical challenges of implementing sociological interventions in families, organizations, or communities.