What is important is that you have to critique your current practice in Part B

(a) Discuss your personal epistemology (epistemic cognition) and how this has influenced your teaching practice (30%);

(b) Critically evaluate your teaching practice and identify measures to enhance this, supporting your answer with evidence from educational literature (70%).

1- Critically reflect on and evaluate your teaching practice and identify measures to enhance this expect to you to use about 30% of the words to answer part A about 70% of the words to answer part B roughly that’s what that means and, in part, A you have to discuss your personal epistemology and how this has influenced your teaching, practice so for the Professor part discussing your personal epistemology, and then how its influence your teaching, practice,

And Part B, we want you to critically evaluate your teaching, practice so that means kind of describe how you teach. and give any strengths and give any limitations or weaknesses or areas you want to improve so find the strengths and areas for improvement of your own teaching, practice.

So that’s kind of evaluating it and then the second part is important as well, identify measures to enhance this so don’t just say,would like to be more student centered, for example but say how you will be more student centered.

What is important is that you have to critique your current practice in Part B. and use literature, to support to why it strong or weak so kind of describe your practice and then say what you think is strong what you think is not so strong and then use literature, to support that so you know, to give.

evidence that yes, doing this is good for education or doing this isn’t great you kind of use evidence to back it up. And for the second part of that be identify measures to enhance this so give some really concrete examples of what you can do to enhance it so again, for example, if you’re going to say.

You want to be more student centered don’t just say you want to be more student centered say exactly what you will do in your particular teaching to achieve that, and again if you use literature, to support this and that and what interventions, you will do so.

Then, that will be even better and basically what we’re looking for and Part B is we’re looking for you to to.