What the ruling left unresolved was the question of when the sincerely held religious views of any service provider have to yield to protecting the rights of same-sex couples or LGB individuals.

Same Love

On Friday June 26, 2015 the United States Supreme Court ruled in the case of Obergefell v Hodges that same-sex marriage to be legal in the entire United States. An abstract of the decision is available at: (Links to an external site.)

To the extent that they are accurate, polls show that American views on the issue have shifted over the years from majority opposition to majority support. Of course, there is opposition to this view and ruling. Dissent was expressed by 4 of the 9 Justices.

A more recent ruling was in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to make a custom wedding cake for a same-sex couple. Although the ruling was nuanced and based on the finding that the Colorado administrative agency which ruled against him had expressed religious animus in general and had not given proper consideration of the baker’s sincere and deeply held religious beliefs.

What the ruling left unresolved was the question of when the sincerely held religious views of any service provider have to yield to protecting the rights of same-sex couples or LGB individuals.

After the marriage ruling, some states were considering legislation to permit state officials, who are civil servants, to not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples if it violates their religious views.

What are your views on these issues? What is the basis of your opinions? How strongly do you feel about your opinions? Have you always felt this way or has your opinions changed over time? While clergy and religious institutions are protected by the constitution for refusal to conduct same-sex marriages,

What about laws permitting public officials the right to deny marriage licenses or other services based on their private religious views? Also, what about similar legislation has been drafted providing private non-governmental businesses the same option?

Recently a Catholic school denied admission to a pre -schooler because the child’s parents are in a same-sex marriage. The decision sparked protest and support. What are your thoughts?

Finally, given that sex or gender is not necessarily binary, have you consider who do individuals with so-called Disorders of Sexual Development get to marry?