Does being dedicated to a religion influence the probability to identify with certain parties?

Your research paper should be about 10 pages (cover page and bibliography excluded), Turabian/Chicago format. For this assignment, save your paper as a document and attach. The title page and bibliography or reference pages do not count in the page total.

You must have a specific research question and address both sides of the question or issue. Four scholarly or academically appropriate references are required. It must also include a recent news article from that was published during this course to illustrate the topic.

1. What primary religions make up popular political parties?

2. Does being dedicated to a religion influence the probability to identify with certain parties?

3. Is party policy influenced by religion?

3 Recourses

Republicans and Democrats agree religion’s influence is waning, but differ in their reactions. (2020, May 30). Pew Research Center.

Religion in America: U.S. religious data, demographics and statistics. (2020, September 9). Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project.

How politics affects religion: Partisanship, socialization, and religiosity in America. (2017, December 7). The Journal of Politics.