What is your assessment of the financial performance of Wells Fargo during John Stumpf’s tenure at CEO?

Wells Fargo: Setting the Stagecoach Thundering Again


1. What is your assessment of the financial performance of Wells Fargo during John Stumpf’s tenure at CEO?

2. What is the economic rationale for the “cross-sell” strategy?
– Was it appropriate?
– Why did it go wrong?

4. Why did the senior leadership at Wells Fargo implement the “cross-sell” strategy so aggressively? How could they have rationalised their behaviour?

5. What are the qualities of an ethical leader? Were they present in the
leadership of Wells Fargo during the period of misconduct?

6. What should the new CEO, Tim Sloan, do to prevent similar actions
in the future?
The report should include Introduction, Analysis ( Answers all the questions above), conclusion and recommendations.Label all the questions for each part.