How can the problem of low progression rate in self-paced online high schools be solved?

Continuation of related paper..Need 4 additional sources. Additional info is below :
The candidate will submit a well-developed draft of the Introduction section, expanding upon the previous Part 1 submission, now including the significance of the problem, purpose statement,central research question, and definitions, and a reference page.

The submission must follow the requirements described in detail within the course textbook, and especially the section checklists.

The Applied Research Report Example chapter is extremely useful and can be found in the course textbook. Do not remove any of the sections developed in the

Prospectus: Part 1

assignment. The Prospectus: Part 2 – Introduction draft will add a minimum of 2 full pages to the existing text, excluding the title and reference pages and Part 1 pages. The submission must include at least 4 additional unique sources/citations, which are also properly listed on a reference page at the end of the submission (total of 8 sources minimum), using proper APA format.

Purpose Statement and Central Research are below.

Purpose Statement

This study aims to offer a solution and recommend strategies for online management to ensure consistency in their class attendance and performance.

Central Research Question
How can the problem of low progression rate in self-paced online high schools be solved?