Does early childhood teacher stress have an impact on children’s social, emotional and/or behavioural functioning?

Topic Question

Does early childhood teacher stress have an impact on children’s social, emotional and/or behavioural functioning?

The topic covers social, emotional and/or behavioural functioning. It is acceptable to cover just one area of functioning, two areas of functioning or all three areas of functioning.

The details of your empirical studies should include:

The aim of the study

Who participated

The method and measures use to evaluate

The main outcomes

How it improved, confirmed the ideas or how it connects to any other sources you mention

The focus of your task should be on the Australian education system. You may have some sources from overseas research, but you need to connect them back to the Australian education system (Do they connect? Can the findings be used here?)

Remember for this task, there is an emphasis on the use of recent peer-reviewed research that is relevant to educational contexts – try and choose sources that are ‘research’ focused (not just ‘generic information’).