Does the conclusion follow from the premises-If not, is there a plausible premise we can add to strengthen the argument?


In 500 words, reconstruct and critically evaluate the argument found in the passage. A successful reconstruction makes the argument easily understandable to someone seeing it for the first time. It clearly and accessibly defines technical terms. It makes clear what the structure of the argument is: what is the conclusion? What are the supporting premises? Why are the premises plausible? It also does not include any irrelevant information. It gives the reader just what is necessary to understand the argument.

To critically evaluate an argument is to assess whether it proves its conclusion, and to explain why or why not. Does the conclusion follow from the premises?. If not, is there a plausible premise we can add to strengthen the argument? Is there a premise we should reject? What reasons are there for being skeptical of your chosen premise? Often, students find themselves persuaded by the argument they are discussing.