How do your academic, professional, and/or personal experiences and future aspirations align with our Master of Museum Studies program?

Discipline: Museum Studies
Some of the instructions provided:

– “Your statement of purpose should describe how your academic and professional experiences have led to your decision to pursue a career in the museum field and how this museum studies degree will help you succeed in your goals in the museum profession.

If you have worked for a museum in any capacity,incorporate your experience into your statement. Your statement will be reviewed for content, organization, and writing style.”

“We would like to learn more about your vision for your graduate studies and subsequent professional career. We have provided some prompts that may stimulate and guide your thinking:

– What made you decide to apply?

– How do your academic, professional, and/or personal experiences and future aspirations align with our Master of Museum Studies program?

– What topics, problems, or questions would you like to explore during your studies?

– What are your career goals? Do you intend to apply for Co-op? If so, why?

– Upon graduation, how do you see yourself contributing to the information and / or museum industry?

– What does it mean to you to be a museum professional?”