Discuss the key HR practices (be specific…if you think training is a critical driver, explain what it is about the training that makes it impactful) that are driving Zappos’ success?

Case Study 1

Watch the three short videos below or find articles (through the UIC library database) that describe HR practices at Zappos. Next, answer the two questions below.

1. “Zappos Company Culture – The Zappos Family on Night line”:

2. “Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, featured on 20/20”:

3. “The Zappos Family – How They Work”:


Case Questions

Question 1. Discuss the key HR practices (be specific…if you think training is a critical driver, explain what it is about the training that makes it impactful) that are driving Zappos’ success?

Question 2. Discuss how HR practices at Zappos impact employees’ attitudes and behavior, as well as company performance.

Clearly indicate your responses to questions 1 and 2
Be sure to integrate concepts/material from Week 1 in your response
Maximum length: 1 page (single-spaced)