Identify at least two pieces of information in the manual that surprised you regarding the effects of PTSD on families-Describe them fully and explain why they surprised you.


-Identify at least two pieces of information in the manual that surprised you regarding the effects of PTSD on families. Describe them fully and explain why they surprised you.
-Describe at least two interventions/coping strategies/recommendations identified in the manual that you believe would be most effective for helping families cope well with the effects of PTSD on families.

-Explain why you believe those would be effective, based on findings from research on stress that we have read thus far in the course.

For example, if one is a cognitive-behavioral intervention designed to help a family member change his or her thinking about the loved one’s diagnosis, you could argue that the intervention would be effective based on research you may be able to find on the effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for relieving stress.

-Support your ideas with academic, peer-reviewed sources, such as your readings for the week and/or the sources mentioned in the instructions for this assignment.