What is the Ecological View of Perception?explain this view briefly, but completely, clearly and accurately.

For this assignment, please read all of Chapter 5, which you will find is quite a short chapter. Then, answer the following questions.Use this time to create the strongest assignment possible. Do not wait until the “last minute” to address this assignment.
Refer to the comments on past assignments when working on and completing this assignment.
1- Briefly, but clearly, completely and accurately, explain what is meant by the Dynamic Systems View of Motor Development. Be sure to explain how the Dynamic Systems View differs from the earlier, traditional view.

2-What is the Ecological View of Perception?explain this view briefly, but completely, clearly and accurately. Be sure that, in your explanation, you explain what is meant by an “Affordance.”

3-Explain what is meant by the terms Habituation and Dishabituation, which you learned about in Psychology 101. How are Habituation and Dishabituation used to study perception in infants?