Discuss several of the major symbols in the story and explain how they connect to the story’s meaning.

Symbolisms in "The Young Goodman Brown"

“Young Goodman Brown”

1. Discuss symbolism in the story. “Young Goodman Brown” is very symbolic story, to the point that it’s often described as allegorical. Discuss several of the major symbols in the story and explain how they connect to the story’s meaning.


https://www.gutenberg.org/files/512/512-h/512-h.htm goodman

One citation is required from each source, but more may be used. You may also use more sources than the required four. General internet sources may not be used. That includes CliffsNotes, SparkNotes, GradeSaver, Wikipedia, or any other web source

The essay must include three direct quotes (with page numbers) from the story. Because this essay uses multiple sources, the citations for the quotes must include the author’s name.