What American tactic of ACTIVISM had the Inchoate citizen already used?

The New York Draft Riots were the most destructive domestic riots in American History.

Although the Draft Law had many diverse opponents, it was also supported by countless and diverse people.

One of the New York Times articles available at the end of Module 11 with the primary sources, entitled “The Conscription Grievances of the Inchoate Citizens,” defends the government’s new practice of forcing non-citizens who had recently arrived in the country to serve in the Union Army if they had stated plans to become citizens.

The article was in response to a letter from an Inchoate citizen (one who has not yet become a citizen) who objected to being forced to serve in the military when they had not yet been granted the right to vote and other rights of citizenship.

Read the article and respond on whether you agree with the 1863 policy of drafting non-citizens into the army. Respond with 150 to 200 words and include a direct quote from the article as well as a citation from the textbook. What American tactic of ACTIVISM had the Inchoate citizen already used?