What social and/or historical consequences are there or could there be in the knowledge of these artistic works?

Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines for writing your reflection. Your reflection must have a length of one page (300-350 words), it must be organized in introduction, development and conclusion, use correct grammar and spelling, be written on a computer, using double space (2.0), Times New Roman font number 12, with one inch on all margins.

Each reflection should have a header and an original title that captures the attention of the audience.

On the difficult topic of Latin American dictatorships, you worked with three readings from three different countries and authors: «Our Father who is in heaven» by José Leandro Urbina, from Chile; “Prisoner man looking at his son” by Mario Benedetti, from Uruguay and a fragment of “Open Letter to the Military Junta” by Rodolfo Walsh, from Argentina.

Thanks to these visions of the dictatorship you have a broader and clearer idea of ​​this political phenomenon that unfortunately not only affected the three countries mentioned but also many others, speaking only of Latin America.

All those other countries, to the extent of their possibilities and economies, have also sought to represent the phenomenon of dictatorship in their art, be it music, painting, literature or cinema.

For this Unit 3 reflection, you should touch on the theme of the artistic representation of the phenomenon of the dictatorship, mentioning the three countries worked on in this unit, but adding at least two new countries to have a more complete panorama in the development of your critical work. .

With the interest that the reflection covers a wide spectrum, it ensures that the type of art is different for each country: music for one, cinema for another, etc. The purpose is for you to critically reflect on how art contributes to keeping historical memory alive and for what purpose.

Remember that your audience would be young people like you and your own classmates and your teacher, so registration can be semi-formal.


Some questions to answer and organize your writing

In addition to Chile, Uruguay and Argentina, which other Latin American countries had duiictures around the same years?

What are some of the types of art that are used to represent the phenomenon of dictatorship?

Why is art used to represent phenomena as terrible and painful as a dictatorship?

What social and/or historical consequences are there or could there be in the knowledge of these artistic works?

What emotions and opinions arise in you when exposed to these representations? What do you learn? And what is this learning personally useful for?