Discuss why we use it even though it can be so harmful to human health.

This is a report for my technical writing class. It needs to follow to follow an outline which have attached. It is a causal analytical report. It needs to be a causal analytical report on lung cancer due to asbestos exposure.

In this analytical report it should discuss the cause and effect of being exposed to asbestos and the impacts it has on peoples lungs.

Go into detail on what asbestos is and some of its properties that make it a useful material.

Discuss why we use it even though it can be so harmful to human health. The report will go over what it is about asbestos that makes it harmful to our lungs.

Go over common ways that people can be exposed to asbestos. Some common products it can be found in. Also the different types of cancer long term exposure to it can cause. Visuals should be included and at least 3 cited sources (one non-web source).

This is the basic outline for my report:


Definition, Description, and Background

Purpose of the Report, and Intended Audience

Method of Inquiry

Limitations of the Study

Working Definitions (here or in a glossary)

Scope of the Inquiry (topics listed in logical order)

Conclusion(s) of the Inquiry (briefly stated)

Collected Data

First Topic for Investigation



Interpretation of findings

Second Topic for Investigation

First subtopic



Interpretation of findings

Second subtopic (and so on)


Summary of Findings

Overall Interpretation of Findings (as needed)

Recommendations (as needed and feasible)