. Explain the nutritional needs for common species in aquaculture, atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, halibut, seabass.

Alternative resources for pelleted feed in aquaculture

1. Explain the nutritional needs for common species in aquaculture, atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, halibut, seabass. What amino acids, fatty acids, trace minerals, vitamins and other needs in the pelleted feed. For example astaxanthin for salmon and rainbow trout for coloring. Write shortly about the amount of protein and fatty acids the different species needs, do not write specific about why the fish needs it.
Write shortly. ½ page.

2. Write about sustainable aspects with alternative resources for aquaculture/fish feed which centers around why we are researching alternative resources (need for more pelleted feed, exhausted/depleted resources, future sustainability and increased focus on sustainable resources and more) Centered around the production and harvest of the alternative resources. Write 1 ½ page

3. Write about and discuss the challenges with alternative feed resources. Palatability, toxic ingredients, maybe poor digestion of protein/lipids? Anti-nutritional compounds. Limited supply, limited research done at present time and other factors. 1 ½ page

4. Write about and discuss the profitability of the use of alternative resources. For example, cheaper, more readily available, easier to produce/harvest and such factors. You can for example state that black soldier fly are cheap and quick to produce since they can be produced on almost any biological matter. 1 page

5. Write introduction about what GMO is, how it can be used for making alternative feed resources for pelleted feed in aquaculture. 1/2 page.
Feel free to allocate words from 2 or 3 to task 5. Don’t just fill in words to meet the count. Allocate them to other tasks instead!