What does it tell us about a specific film genre and about American culture in general?

The major focus of your paper should be to discuss the representation of femininity in mainstream Hollywood film. You are asked to relate this issue to the media text (movie), Pitch Perfect. What does it tell us about a specific film genre and about American culture in general?

Choose a sequence of about 2 to 7 minutes. A sequence is a series of shots somehow connected logically — in terms of

(a) their common locale or setting

(b) their relation to one dramatic moment in the plot (i.e. a “scene”)

(c) their common function in terms of furthering plot development or creating “atmosphere

(d) their relation to some common theme or issue. Such a sequence may be worth choosing, however, less for its relation to setting, plot, or theme, than for the fact that it contains a typical or extraordinary stylistic feature you would like to examine (i.e. special lighting effects, special colors, special sound effects).

Defining a sequence can be somewhat arbitrary, but in any case, it will be significant what precedes and follows the sequence you choose. You will have to take into account at least to some extent the things you decide are outside your sequence — but don’t describe them in too much detail.

Once you have selected your sequence, watch it again and again to note details of interest in the main areas of cinematic style. Note if there are changes — or not — in the use of a particular stylistic feature over the course of the sequence.

Change, or the absence of change, can be very significant, just as the presence or absence of a particular stylistic feature may be (e.g. the use of sound effects or music, or their sudden absence: silence can be very significant, especially if the film is otherwise “noisy”).

A. At the beginning of your analysis state the “message” of the scene or sequence. What is the filmmaker trying to communicate? What is the narrative of this filmic example? try to define what you believe to be “femininity”?

B. Description of the main elements of the visual language . For this paper it is crucial that you are DRAWING EXPLICITLY AND FREQUENTLY FROM CLOSE VISUAL ANALYSIS. Watch the sequence you decide to pick several times. Without sound, without images… focusing on editing, cinematography, mise-en-scene and sound. Just touch on the elements that stand out in the sequence.

VIDEO LINK: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sn0f0