Identify a small company, either real or fictional, and describe the type of business it does.

Program Portfolio Project

Create a management information system plan that emphasizes the interpretation of significant components of information systems in modern business enterprises.

Identify a small company, either real or fictional, and describe the type of business it does.

Assuming the company is brand new and just opening for business, create a management information system plan that emphasizes the interpretation of significant components of information systems in modern business enterprise.

Describe what components the company will need and how these components will be used.
Think of putting together an MIS plan for a business. You may pick a specific business or makeup one. For example, how would you determine the business&x27; hardware and software needs, and how would you fill that need.

Consider storage as well. How would you store your data? Hard drives or cloud? Think about security as well.

Who would have access to the data, and who are those particular people. Use the discussion postings and lab activities as a resource and convert them into a plan for an existing company, fictitious company, or more of a generalized business.