Should there really be a term referred to as a botched execution-As long as the convicted inmate dies, does it really matter the manner in which they die?

Week 7 Writing Assignment: “Botched Executions–Cruel and Unusual Punishment?”

Students must view the posted video related to botched executions before answering the questions below. Each of your answers must be a minimum of 100 words per response, and it must be submitted as a MS Word document. Number your answers.

1. Should there really be a term referred to as a botched execution? As long as the convicted inmate dies, does it really matter the manner in which they die?

2. If states or the federal government attempt to execute an inmate, and they fail to be successful, should the state or federal government be allowed to attempt an execution a second or third time?

3. Should we continue to use the death penalty in the United States? Why or why not? Are there any forms of executions that you would advocate for? Are there any types that you believe should not used? Explain.

4. Would you serve as a member of an execution team? Would you require payment for your services? If so, how much would you charge or accept as payment? If not, why would you offer your services for free? explain your responses.

5. Does a botched execution qualify as cruel and unusual punishment, which is a violation of the Eighth Amendment? Explain.