What is the current status of your topic in the United States-Are there current regulations, incentives, or policies that cover your topic?


For this assignment you have the opportunity to select one specific domestic policy topic. You can select a topic under one of the following categories: Education, Healthcare, Social Security, Environmental Policy, Tax Policy, Housing, or contact me for approval for a different umbrella.

It needs to be a specific issue under one of those umbrellas. (For example: you can discuss Student Loans under Education or Medicare under Healthcare) Pick an area and then get really specific on your topic.

You will be writing a sort of policy brief on one of these issues. Be sure to be as specific as possible and provide as much detail as you can. Have fun with this and make it something interesting! If you are unsure about your topic please run it by me first!

Part One (worth 15 possible points)

Introduce your topic. What is the brief history of the topic? How/when did it enter the policy debate? Why is it an important topic (aka why should keep reading)? Should be answered in at least 1-2 paragraphs.

Part Two (worth 30 possible points)

What is the current status of your topic in the United States? Are there current regulations, incentives, or policies that cover your topic? What is the current budget situation for your topic? Be very specific here and discuss the entire scope of your topic (that is why it is important to narrow your topic as specific as possible). Should be answered in at least 3 paragraphs.

Part Three (worth 30 possible points)

What is the current debate surrounding your topic? What do the supporters argue?

What do the opponents argue? How does this debate impact policy outcomes? How do outside groups influence the current debate (introduce both sides and how money plays a role)?

What is public opinion on the topic? Hint: use open secrets Should be answered in at least 3 paragraphs.

Part Four (worth 20 possible points)

Based on the current political climate where do you see this area in the future? How will it evolve during the Biden administration? Is it on the Congressional radar? Should be answered in at least 2 paragraphs.

Part Five (worth 10 possible points)

Conclusion – tie it all together in one paragraph. Why is this important and what did you learn completing this assignment?