Would there ever be a situation in which you would want individual circumstances of a case/ offender to be taken into consideration for a crime?


For this discussion thread assignment, students should answer the following questions.

In the USA, states vary on how they treat crimes when it comes to sentencing. Many states have some form or variation of the following for Felony offenses:

a.) 3 Strikes, you’re out meaning that 3 felony convictions (strikes) for the same crime and you are locked up forever.

b.) Mandatory minimum sentencing such as “all persons with cocaine on their person receive mandatory 5 years in prison, regardless of the circumstances.”

c.) Zero Tolerance meaning that all offenders will be punished, regardless of amount, circumstance, criminal record, etc.

Number your answers 1, 2 as you write them in the Discussion posting.

1.) Discuss any issues/ concerns you might have with any of these laws: for example, do you believe that all individuals caught with cocaine should receive a mandatory sentence regardless of the circumstances…or, if someone commits the same felony 3 times that they should be locked up forever? Explain your reasoning.

2.) Would there ever be a situation in which you would want individual circumstances of a case/ offender to be taken into consideration for a crime? Explain your reasoning. (Do not use “Self-defense” as an example, since that is something a victim does, not an offender).

Basically, the question is asking: If two individuals commit the same crime, should they receive the same penalty – or should individual circumstances be taken into consideration? If you agree, provide an example. If not, explain your stance.

Use your own words to answer the question.