Identify a gap in current research and say what you will do ( to address the gap) need to specify more clearly the “influencing factors” what are they? what are they influencing?

Interoception and Adherence to Medication for Chronic Ilnesses

Research Proposal (2000 word)

Ethic Paper (1000 Word)

(both of these need to be indifferent documentation)

– Better to keep it broad and just look at predictors of adherence generally across multiple health conditions.

– the research is not about treatment procedures. It is about adherence to medication.

– Research: definition of interception needs to be more accurate / precise and include a citation. it is not know if adherence impacts adherence to medication ( that is the whole point of the research)

– current study: you need to identify a gap in current research and say what you will do ( to address the gap) need to specify more clearly the “influencing factors” what are they? what are they influencing?

purpose: too broad to say the purpose is to understand if people follow advice of their doctors. we are only looking at one specific thing – medication adherence.


– cross sectional is correct however descriptive is not correct

IV: How will you measure it?

DV: How will you measure it?

Sample size: need to give fully details of power calculation.

procedure: need to add one.

expected results:

– hypothesis should be specific sooner before the methodology. hypothesis needs to be rephrased to be more precise prediction about how level of interoceptive ability might predict adherence to medication. Use terms that have define/explained before and not new terms or a variation on these terms. Specify the direction of the expected effect.

Implications: what are the implications

What does participation in this research involve?

If you would like to participate in this survey you will be asked to complete a digital consent form.

You will then be asked to provide some general information about yourself such as your age, education, gender and ethnicity and then to tell us what type of chronic illness you have.

Thereafter, you will be asked to complete some questionnaires that ask you about your awareness of your body, your beliefs about health generally and your medical treatment, and questions asking how much you follow your health professional’s treatment plan for your condition.

The time required to complete the survey will be approximately 30 minutes.

In order to participate in this study, you need to be 18 years of age or older and have a diagnosed chronic physical or mental health condition, defined as a condition that:

has persisted for more than 3 months

has required ongoing treatment from a medical professional

treatment includes a medication prescribed by a medical professional

Example conditions include (but are not limited to) asthma, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, depression, and anxiety.