Is this a significant concern-What health concerns/ long term health effects/diseases/complications are linked to this health behavior?


Problem- Why is it important?
Approach- What will be accomplished?
Progress- How will you measure it?
Success- How will you define it?

25 Health Problem Statement

Determine whether there is sufficient evidence to suggest that a health problem definitively exists within a certain population. Back this up with statistics from a reputable source.

Choose a health behavior that underlies this health problem. Is this a priority because it is very prevalent, or highly risky?

Is this a significant concern? What health concerns/ long term health effects/diseases/complications are linked to this health behavior?

Determine if interventions have been conducted in the past and, if so, whether they were successful.

Identify whether those strategies can be improved or adapted in the current intervention.

25 Intervention Strategy

Use the Health Belief Model to map out the health issue that you chose. Ensure that the campaign’s messaging and materials account for the psychographics of a given audience not just who they are, but what they value and why.

Understanding why a harmful behavior or attitude exists is crucial to reversing it.
Identify its objectives and the desired behavior changes or attitudes leaders hope to effect among the target population.

Develop a Health Campaign. Poster/Social Media campaign, Video, guerrilla marketing etc.

20 Evaluation Strategy

What are the Impact objectives and Process Objectives?
Describe how you will measure and evaluate effectiveness. What data will you collect, how and why?