What is important about this debate or discussion, according to your point of view-Why is it important that various perspectives agree or disagree about this technique or concept?


Focus readers on the main issue regarding the technique or concept.

Introductions focus, prepare, and map.

Definition and explanation of technique or concept: In your own words, define briefly a writing technique or concept.

Brief summary of academic discussion: Provide an efficient overview of two perspectives on the technique or concept.

Identify agreement or disagreement: In one or two sentences, focus readers on how the sources see the technique or concept similarly or differently.

Body paragraphs develop and support.

Specifically describe and explain sources’ perspectives: Briefly SOPHISTICATED REPORT / LITERATURE REVIEW

summarize with reference to specific quotations the argument or idea of each source, highlighting connections and disconnections to aid in transition.

Conclusions reinforce importance, predict, and broaden.

Explanation of relevance: What is important about this debate or discussion, according to your point of view? Why is it important that various perspectives agree or disagree about this technique or concept?

Prediction: According to your point of view, what is the near or distant future regarding this technique or concept?

Explanation of Larger Context: How can you connect this essay’s focus to a larger issue in writing, specifically academic writing, thinking, or debating?