How does your anecdote relate to your overall analysis of your writing?

Reflective Writing

3-5 pages containing a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The intro and the conclusion are thematically linked and explain THE SITUATION & STORY OF
Sentence-length variety, use of sensory details, attention to syntax.

Discussion of your writing assignments, starting with the Creative Nonfiction
Essay, to the Proposal and Annotations, to the Interview, and ultimately to work on your
Final Research Project.

Use of Rhetorical Terms when you discuss your writing, like genre,narrative, sources, commentary, conventions, tone, voice, argument, and analysis.

Discussion of your writing that engages your overall idea of who you are as a student, the kind of work you produce, and how you envision the way forward.

Discussion of links between your writing and who you are as a student.
A descriptive narrative of a scene/situation that reveals/indicates/illustrates the overall theme of the essay; in other words, how you characterize yourself as a writer & student during Spring 2022.

Analysis: How does your anecdote relate to your overall analysis of your writing? Things to discuss:

What was your experience of writing your creative nonfiction piece? What strengths did you encounter and/or develop? Your talent with narrative, commentary, or analysis? How did the story you shared in that piece influence the rest of your semester’s writing?

Define your strengths as a writer and researcher? Are you great at summarizing? Do you have strong opinions? Are you able to effectively argue using different types of
evidence? What types of evidence?

Evidence: Discuss and analyze 2-3 examples from your writing this semester that highlights your strengths and challenges. Consider discussing
Your Proposal’s intro
Your reflection and assessments in your Annotated Bibliography
Your interview style

Analysis & Commentary: Conclusion that returns to the theme of
your opening anecdote, emphasizing what you learned about yourself as a writer this