Why there could be issues that some beverage companies would not prefer using self-chilled cans?


Creative Thinking Process
Consider the following:

⦁ From your analyses of the industry/market, what kinds of problem/issue that consumers have with the existing products or services? Use 5 Ws and 1 H technique to help define the problem/issue.

⦁ Why are you personally interested in this industry/market?

⦁ What idea generation techniques have you used to underpin the creative thinking process which leads to your idea? For example, Reframe the Problem; Metaphoric Simulation; Change Your Point of Reference; Reverse the Challenge etc.

Explain with some details:

1. Consumers have the problem with the time required for cooling their beverages when they use the cans that are sold traditionally by the beverage companies. The problems that can be considered are:

Why customers are having problems with the traditional canned beverage items?

Why there could be issues that some beverage companies would not prefer using self-chilled cans?

Why there are limited markets of this product?

Why other companies have not explored this option yet?

Why it will be important to maintain health safety regulations while preparing this self-chilled can?

How more business customers can be attracted?

2.interested in this industry as this product is unique and innovative and there would be a huge scope to attract many beverage companies.

3. Metaphoric simulation and reframe the problem would be two idea generation techniques that would be useful. Brainstorming technique can be used as well.