Which framework serves as the film’s theoretical foundation, without being explicitly mentioned in the film? Identify one theoretical framework that is central to the film’s approach and outline ways in which the film utilizes it.


Documentary Film:

This film is a documentary about the impact of media on children and youth. It is available as a streaming video on the MacEwan library website.

Barbaro, B. and J. Earp (Directors). (2008). Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood. Media Education Foundation. (Running Time: 67 min).

Respond to both of the following Critical Thinking Questions:

1. Which theoretical framework (aka. lens) introduced in chapters 2 to 4 of our textbook does the documentary film utilize to examine the social role of advertising and promotional culture? In other words:

Which framework serves as the film’s theoretical foundation, without being explicitly mentioned in the film? Identify one theoretical framework that is central to the film’s approach and outline ways in which the film utilizes it.

In your response, demonstrate knowledge of the core assumptions of that theoretical framework, as well as of its key terms and concepts.

2. The film was originally released in 2008. Based on Textbook Chapters 5, how has our media environment evolved since then? Identify recent media developments that you consider particularly relevant to young media users (e.g., the rise of social media), and employ one theoretical framework of your choice (from chapters 24; it could be the same framework that you traced for Critical Thinking Question 1 or a different one) to examine the impact of those recent media developments on young media users.

In your response, demonstrate knowledge of the core assumptions of your theoretical framework of choice, as well as of its key terms and concepts.