Discuss the theory of entrepreneurship by Knight and contrast it with other theories of entrepreneurship.


Answer THREE questions out of SIX
The word limit per question is 750 words.

1. a) Discuss the theory of entrepreneurship by Knight and contrast it with other
theories of entrepreneurship.

b) Explain how exogenous shocks can increase entrepreneurial uncertainty.
Give examples and critically discuss your answers.

2. a) What is entrepreneurial failure?
b) How can economic and management theories help us to explain firm exit
during Covid19? Give examples and critically discuss your answers.

3. a) What is the difference between opportunitybased and necessitybased

b) How are they linked to economic development? Give examples and critically
discuss your answers.

4. a) What difficulties do new startups face in raising equity finance during times
of crisis?

b) Critically discuss how this might differ in the case of startups and established

5. What is the potential impact of a war on entrepreneurship? Critically explain
your answer.

6. Can entrepreneurs make use of game theory? Critically discuss your answer
and give examples to support your arguments.