CHOOSE specific theories from under each POL for the essay question-You must do use A theory from specific POL.

Business psychology

Kindly answer the questions and use the theories and models as it applies to the essay question, the essay question should be in a format of intro, problem, analysis (evidence) and a recommendation/solution applying the specific theories as many as you can for the essay as it applies to the scenario.

Theories must be identified and explained how it applies to the scenario (cite it using APA 7TH EDIT ION FORMAT AND USE THE BOOK TEXT BOOK AS A REFERENCE BOOK FOR EACH THEORY USED). This is a business psychology class. This is an application/how would you apply as a consultant

Theories are under the POLS (COMMUNICATION, ETHICS, RESEARCH) YOU WILL HAVE TO CHOOSE specific theories from under each POL for the essay question. You must do use A theory from specific POL. The format must be intro, body, closing in apa 7thwith subheadings. The theories will have to be explained and then how it applies to the scenario
The Libertarian Theory
Theory x AND Y
Cognitive Dissonance theory
General systems theory
Scientific management theory
Group Support System (GSS
Virtue theory
Justice theory
Kantian theory
Cognitive dissonance theory
Emotional intelligence
Social information processing model
Interpersonal negotiation
Equity theory

Interpersonal conflict theory
Behavioral theory
Group Support System (GSS

Professional practice
Kotter’s change management theory
Kurt lewins change management
Social exchange theory
Mckensy s model
Transactional and transformation leadership
Cultural awareness
cultural competence
Social identity
Scientific management
Organizational culture
Critical thinking
Rational approach
Group Support System (GSS
Entitativity Theory
Group Potency and Collective Efficacy Theory
Performance Analysis Theory
Managing Relationships, Tasks and Process Conflicts Theory