Consider what life was like for the average person in Europe, Russia, or North America during that time-Is life in your created country similar or different?

Nation Creation: Building Political Policies and Alliances

To prepare for this Assignment:

Envision your own country called YOUR-NAME-HERE-land.

Review the Howard and Hamby readings in this week’s Resources to more clearly understand the realities of the world in which you will create your country.

Consider what life was like for the average person in Europe, Russia, or North America during that time. Is life in your created country similar or different?

Consider the political policies countries were pursuing at this time in history and the struggles they were facing. How about in your created country?

Reflect on how countries felt about each other, and the alliances they were building. Which would be your created country’s allies and its foes?

The assignment:

Compose a 2-page essay in which you do the following:

Describe what kinds of political policies your created country (again named YOUR-NAME-HERE-land) would hold and why, and decide which other countries you would align yourself with and why. Be sure to consider the consequences of the political policies, alliances, and interconnectivity of European, Russian, and North and South American countries in the early part of the 20th century.