Discuss the pricing strategy of the company are they premium priced? Value priced?

Marketing Strategies

Marketing is how organizations reach their customers. Over the past 50 years, marketing has changed dramatically. According to your textbook, the best way for companies to compete is to design and promote better products, giving customers the best value. In order to do this, as you have seen, companies have to be nimble through a changing market, including a changing consumer. Technology, social media, and the pandemic have all had a big impact on the strategic marketing approach.


You will continue to write about the company you chose and the template from Week 1. This week you will write on the points below. Your submission should be approximately 2 pages long and use at least two credible resources. Research and make sure you read Chapter 12 in your book before reviewing the company’s website for information needed below:

The Marketing Mix


Describe the products (goods and services) this company offers. Note: Large corporations usually have numerous products. If this is the case, you can narrow them down to one.


Discuss the pricing strategy of the company – are they premium priced? Value priced? Does the company offer a range of products covering various price ranges? Example: Toyota sells economy cars and luxury cars.


Explain how and where this company sells its products.


What is the main brand (or brands)?

Briefly describe how this company advertises.

Social Media Marketing

Identify and describe how this company uses social networks.

Example: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.


Summarize and provide your overall opinion of this company’s marketing mix.

If you were the marketing manager, describe one change you would make to improve the marketing strategy.


Published by McGraw Hill LLC, 1325 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2021 by McGraw Hill LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous edition © 2016. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill LLC, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

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ISBN 978-1-264-05959-1 (bound edition)

MHID 1-264-05959-0 (bound edition)

ISBN 978-1-264-12617-0 (loose-leaf edition)

MHID 1-264-12617-4 (loose-leaf edition)

Executive Portfolio Manager: Meredith Fossel

Executive Marketing Manager: Nicole Young

Senior Product Developer: Anne Leung

Lead Content Project Manager: Christine Vaughan

Senior Content Project Manager: Bruce Gin

Content Licensing Specialist: Traci Vaske

Senior Designer: Matt Diamond

Senior Buyer: Laura Fuller

Cover Image: McGraw-Hill

Compositor: SPi Global