Write both texts also deal with issues of patriotism and virtue in the male characters, exploring the idea of American national character in the years immediately after the American Revolution.

Module 3 WA

Use this source only: https://uerjundergradslit.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/the-norton-anthology-of-american-literature-9th-edition-volumes-a-b.pdf

Read pages 801-841 and 843-941

The Coquette is an “epistolary novel,” meaning that it is told in a series of letters. Both it and The Contrast deal with issues of sentimentality, texts that use depictions of strong emotions and romantic plots as a way to explore the proper behavior of women in the New Republic period.

Write both texts also deal with issues of patriotism and virtue in the male characters, exploring the idea of American national character in the years immediately after the American Revolution.

Respond to the prompt below:

Pretend that you are a friend of either Eliza, Charlotte Manly, or Maria Van Rough. Consider the events of The Contrast and The Coquette and WRITE A LETTER, of 250 words, to your friend offering them advice. Use citations including the author’s name and page number.