How can the issue be defined-How much does the issue matter, and why?

Perusall assignment

Part 1.Read Chapter 18 from the textbook: (Lunsford, Andrea, et al., editors. Everyone’s an Author with Readings. 3rd ed., W. W. Norton, 2020).

Part 2.Read Tom Philpott’s article in Everyone’s an Author with Readings titled “How Factory Farms Play Chicken with Antibiotics.”

Part 1:

For this video debate, write 1 annotation according to these instructions:
Start one conversation thread of your own by answering the following question: —

Find an example of the rhetorical appeal logos (as discussed in Chapter 18) and explain whether you think the speaker used this appeal in a convincing and effective manner or not. Are you persuaded by the idea? Why? Why not?

Part 2: For Tom Philpott’s article,write 1 annotation according to these instructions: Start one conversation thread of your own by answering the following

question: Answer any of the stasis questions on page 420 of Chapter 18 by highlighting a part of the reading that helps you to answer the question and by typing in your ideas as a comment:
What are the facts?
How can the issue be defined?
How much does the issue matter, and why?
What actions should be taken as a result?