Did the news article take appropriate cautions in portraying the results of the study?

Discussion Post 3

Read the attached article titled “Impact of a group mind/body intervention on pregnancy rates in IVF patients”.

Next, read the blog post found here https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/05/10/lowering-stress-improves-fertility-treatment/

Answer the following questions in your own words (about 150 words per question) and link your responses to relevant sections of the research article.


1. Does the study’s evidence support and/or change your personal viewpoint? If so, how? If not, why not?

2. Based on how the study was conducted (its research method), why should we be cautious to avoid over-interpreting or generalizing the results? USE THE CHECKLIST IN CHAPTER 7, PAGES 222-223 TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION.

3. Did the news article take appropriate cautions in portraying the results of the study? Did the news article make any inferences or speculations that were not supported by the study? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWERS.