Discuss the US Monetary Policy in your scientific Macroeconomics Only

A 1 Short Argumentative essay of 1000 words, on:

a. Discuss the US Monetary Policy in your scientific Macroeconomics

A Sample Mini Essay

1. A final miniessay (a short Economics paper) should amount to 1000 words (4 pages), on either one (not both) of the topics listed in your Syllabus,. You may, further, choose any Socratic demonstration in your Micro OR macro textbooks, especially Chs. 1-3.

2. Use any other professional style (MLA, APA, Oxford, Chicago,…) you are comfortable with.

3. Make sure you proofread and/or edit your Final miniessay before submission.

4. Recall that the Economic Way of Thinking (EWOT) & Critical Thinking Writing
Methodologies are Highly in Demand in a 21st Century Competitive Globalization Economy, Trade, Finance, and Forex. Also, review your LMESTG approach!

5. Each Miniessay Must englobe 4 axes or dimensions, viz.:

i) A Brief description/explanation, with at least one illustration, of your chosen Concept or Method, per Each Assigned Chapter.

ii) An Identification, with at least 1 example, of the Strengths (Pros) and Weaknesses (Cons) of the selected concept/method per Each chapter.

iii) A helpful Recommendation on how to remedy to the Weaknesses (Cons) of the chosen theme/topic per Each chapter.

iv) A linkage (application) of the chosen theme, per Each chapter, to your: a) Life
Enrichment; and,

b) Career or professional (entrepreneurial) development.

Thusly: Suppose you are to Select the Concept (Fundamental, Basic, Law) of Opportunity Concept, OC (Chapter 4 in your Micro- or Macro-economics textbook) OR Globalization (G) in Chapter 1 (Globalization Economics, Trade, Finance, & Forex textbook).

Then, you will need, say, for OC; hence: to Describe; Identify the Pros & Cons; Fix the Cons; and, Link OC to your