What search engines or databases are you using to identify the articles for your Weekly Article Summary assignment?

Research Questions, Search Engines, & Databases

This discussion contains 2 parts:

Part 1: Research Question

Referring to Chapter 2 Table 2-2 Research Question Format, create 4 research questions (one of each type) related to your nursing clinical practice area and/or role.

Choose 1 of the research questions and, referring to Chapter 2 Table 2-3 Components of Research Questions and Related Criteria, map out the independent and dependent variables, the population, and the testability.

Why is this research question of most interest to you?

Part 2: Search Engines & Databases

What search engines or databases are you using to identify the articles for your Weekly Article Summary assignment?

What key words are you using for your search?

Have they been effective in finding articles that are relevant to your clinical practice? Include rationale.