What ways can a culture support hegemony-Think of examples from your own awareness and experience.

Before you proceed with this discussion, be sure that you are clear on the notion of hegemony, particularly its discussion in Dick Hebdige’s “From Culture to Hegemony.” In the prior discussion, we were concerned with the larger notion of culture and how it manifests itself.

In this discussion, we are interested in culture and power how culture can order things and allocate power so that some groups are rendered dominant while others become subordinate. This activity aligns with module outcomes 1 and 2.

Choose one of the following to answer as thoroughly as possibly, using evidence from our readings to support your own critical thinking:

In our reading “From Culture to Hegemony,” we are introduced to the complex notion of hegemony, which is a power relationship in a culture where certain groups have dominance over others.

In what ways can a culture support hegemony? Think of examples from your own awareness and experience.