Discuss and explain the 4 kinds of role intelligences that explain the relationship between temperament and intelligence (i.e., diplomacy, strategy, tactics, and logistics).

Individual Project 1

Use this link to take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter for free

Copy and paste or screen capture the results of the assessment in your overall report.note, there is no need to purchase the assessment results report.

After you have finished taking the assessment, on the results’ page scroll down to the middle of the page and find your leadership type and traits summary. See below a sample of what the results look like and the part you need to copy and paste or screen capture and insert into your IP 1 document.

Analyze the results of this assessment as it relates to you.

Discuss and explain the 4 kinds of role intelligences that explain the relationship between temperament and intelligence (i.e., diplomacy, strategy, tactics, and logistics).